Napad u školi na Vračaru
Napad u školi na Vračaru ostavio je mnoge šokirane i tužne.trinaestogodisnji napadač usmrtio je osam učenika i jednog zaštitara pre nego što je pozvao policiju. Ovim činom su izgubljeni životi mladih ljudi, što predstavlja veliku tragediju.
U ovom teškom trenutku, Shadow Armor Systems izražava iskreno saučešće porodicama i prijateljima onih koji su izgubili svoje najmilije u ovom napadu. Naša srca su slomljena i u mislima smo sa porodicama, prijateljima i zajednicom koja žali za izgubljenim životima.
Da bismo podržali žrtve i njihove porodice u ovom teškom vremenu, odlučili smo da prodajemo naša pancirna odela po proizvođačkoj ceni, bez ikakve zarade. Želimo da osiguramo da oni koji se brinu o našoj bezbednosti imaju pristup kvalitetnoj opremi koja im je potrebna da bi se osećali sigurnije u svojoj okolini.
Pozivamo sve da se pridruže ovoj inicijativi, jer samo zajedno možemo da podržimo one koji su pogođeni ovim strašnim događajem. Još jednom, izražavamo svoje najdublje saučešće porodicama žrtava.
We at Shadow Armor Systems are deeply saddened by the tragic school shooting that took place in Serbia, resulting in the loss of eight innocent lives and a security guard. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families and loved ones of those affected by this senseless act of violence.
As a company that specializes in providing body armor and other protective gear, we understand the importance of safety and the need for effective measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones. In light of this tragedy, we want to do our part in helping those affected and giving back to the community.
Starting today, we will be selling our body armor at manufacturer costs, with absolutely no profit being made from these sales. We hope that this will make our products more accessible to those who are concerned about their safety and security, and to help ease the financial burden of purchasing protective gear.
We encourage everyone to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their loved ones. Whether it's through education and awareness, community outreach, or investing in protective gear, we must all work together to promote safety and prevent tragedies like this from happening again.
At Shadow Armor Systems, we remain committed to providing the highest quality protective gear and supporting our community in times of need. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones affected by this tragedy, and we stand with you during this difficult time.